Herc/Graham Cooper's 1-TIME-PADS insanity.
(too old to reply)
Robert James
2013-12-12 00:18:46 UTC
On 11 Dec 2013; I imposed a declaration in opposition to Jax's motion to
VACATE THE PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. So noted by the Federal Court of
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See the Cypher is in a FORM FIELD..
you could just PASTE your own Cypher in there...
and your friend on the other side of Town/Country/World
just PASTEs the same Cypher on his side!
Nobody can listen in to a one time pad!
If you talk for too long the cypher gets re-used
and you can work out the cypher (the 2 Time Pad).
So all you need for private chat is when you meet someone in person
(or use more advanced Public Key encryption)
hand them a USB stick with the Cypher on it!
Then you can chat in private over a public connection!
As long as nobody can spy on your client computer! Javascript
will convert your keystrokes to cypher codes... so the
cypher is open source!
Thats 1 possiblity, but 1 time pads are bulky! So a smaller
20 digit KEY to scramble the website cypher is basically how
they do it in the movies... enter the DeScramble cod3 to see
the chat world!
But... Modulus arithmetic is a pain.. randomizing 50 harmonics
is going to tax my schedule right now...
www.ChatZombie.com/13 <<< cypher Chat!
Does anyone understand this? LOL!
No one understands Herc, aka Graham Cooper - he is a mental case. Herc
also does not seem to understand how one time pads actually work, they
need to be completely random, and as the name suggests USED ONE TIME
ONLY. There is a reason no real encyrption scheme is programed in
javascript, because it can not effectively work.

I said it before and it needs repeating: Ugh, I cant begin to start
about how dumb Herc's website is... if his ONLY concern is an ISP or
someone sniffing a LAN/WLAN... he can take a proper *WORKING*
"fruitwall" chat script and upload it to the site... and then setup a
simple SSL certificate.

Better yet he is concerned about the big boys at the NSA/CSE/GCHQ/FAPSI
or the DSD and GCSB in Herc's down-under land, send all communications
encrypted with a contact's public OpenPGP key; routing through the TOR
network via a public WLAN hotspot with a spoofed MAC address and

To put it bluntly, creating a PUBLICLY VIEWABLE web chat where thanks to
some Javascript code mixes digits with a children's secret encoder ring
found in a box of Cracker Jacks is pointless!

Xposted to the aus.tv fast responce team, and jokes for a good facepalm.

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Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean the paranoid motherfuckers who
are making me paranoid aren't really out there!
2013-12-13 04:03:01 UTC
Post by Robert James
On 11 Dec 2013; I imposed a declaration in opposition to Jax's motion to
VACATE THE PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. So noted by the Federal Court of
See the Cypher is in a FORM FIELD..
you could just PASTE your own Cypher in there...
and your friend on the other side of Town/Country/World
just PASTEs the same Cypher on his side!
Nobody can listen in to a one time pad!
If you talk for too long the cypher gets re-used
and you can work out the cypher (the 2 Time Pad).
So all you need for private chat is when you meet someone in person
(or use more advanced Public Key encryption)
hand them a USB stick with the Cypher on it!
Then you can chat in private over a public connection!
As long as nobody can spy on your client computer! Javascript
will convert your keystrokes to cypher codes... so the
cypher is open source!
Thats 1 possiblity, but 1 time pads are bulky! So a smaller
20 digit KEY to scramble the website cypher is basically how
they do it in the movies... enter the DeScramble cod3 to see
the chat world!
But... Modulus arithmetic is a pain.. randomizing 50 harmonics
is going to tax my schedule right now...
www.ChatZombie.com/13 <<< cypher Chat!
Does anyone understand this? LOL!
No one understands Herc, aka Graham Cooper - he is a mental case. Herc
also does not seem to understand how one time pads actually work, they
need to be completely random, and as the name suggests USED ONE TIME
ONLY. There is a reason no real encyrption scheme is programed in
javascript, because it can not effectively work.
I said it before and it needs repeating: Ugh, I cant begin to start
about how dumb Herc's website is... if his ONLY concern is an ISP or
someone sniffing a LAN/WLAN... he can take a proper *WORKING*
"fruitwall" chat script and upload it to the site... and then setup a
simple SSL certificate.
Better yet he is concerned about the big boys at the NSA/CSE/GCHQ/FAPSI
or the DSD and GCSB in Herc's down-under land, send all communications
encrypted with a contact's public OpenPGP key; routing through the TOR
network via a public WLAN hotspot with a spoofed MAC address and
To put it bluntly, creating a PUBLICLY VIEWABLE web chat where thanks to
some Javascript code mixes digits with a children's secret encoder ring
found in a box of Cracker Jacks is pointless!
Xposted to the aus.tv fast responce team, and jokes for a good facepalm.
I think you underestimate the size of the problem. You see, the CIA,
together with various international organizations, has helicopters
hovering over Graham at all times (and geostationary satellites!),
beaming thoughts *into* his head while reading the thoughts already
there, and broadcasting Graham's most private thoughts over local FM
stations in Australia. That's why, everywhere he goes, ordinary people
point at him and say "that's the Truman" (and other completely sane
things), and admire him as a sort of demigod. No matter what steps
Graham takes to provide secure communications, the mind-reading
satellites and helicopters will tell everyone in Townsville everything
he knows. No, none of your electronic solutions will work. He really
needs something delivered via hypodermic needle.
Robert James
2013-12-14 03:41:44 UTC
On 12 Dec 2013; I imposed a declaration in opposition to BruceS's motion to
THE PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. So noted by the Federal Court of Usenet Justice
Post by BruceS
I think you underestimate the size of the problem. You see, the CIA,
together with various international organizations, has helicopters
hovering over Graham at all times (and geostationary satellites!),
beaming thoughts *into* his head while reading the thoughts already
there, and broadcasting Graham's most private thoughts over local FM
stations in Australia. That's why, everywhere he goes, ordinary people
point at him and say "that's the Truman" (and other completely sane
things), and admire him as a sort of demigod. No matter what steps
Graham takes to provide secure communications, the mind-reading
satellites and helicopters will tell everyone in Townsville everything
he knows. No, none of your electronic solutions will work. He really
needs something delivered via hypodermic needle.
Fruitcake, it's more then just a delicious Christmas treat. It's also a
large, heavy and thick block of nutty disappointment. The Help Herc non-
profit Foundation is asking everyone today to please make a generous
donation to the Mental Health Council of Australia. Remember, only YOU can
prevent mental health facility closures and de-institutionalization.
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean the paranoid motherfuckers who are
making me paranoid aren't really out there!
2013-12-14 15:04:01 UTC
Post by Robert James
On 12 Dec 2013; I imposed a declaration in opposition to BruceS's motion to
THE PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. So noted by the Federal Court of Usenet Justice
Post by BruceS
I think you underestimate the size of the problem. You see, the CIA,
together with various international organizations, has helicopters
hovering over Graham at all times (and geostationary satellites!),
beaming thoughts *into* his head while reading the thoughts already
there, and broadcasting Graham's most private thoughts over local FM
stations in Australia. That's why, everywhere he goes, ordinary people
point at him and say "that's the Truman" (and other completely sane
things), and admire him as a sort of demigod. No matter what steps
Graham takes to provide secure communications, the mind-reading
satellites and helicopters will tell everyone in Townsville everything
he knows. No, none of your electronic solutions will work. He really
needs something delivered via hypodermic needle.
Fruitcake, it's more then just a delicious Christmas treat. It's also a
large, heavy and thick block of nutty disappointment. The Help Herc non-
profit Foundation is asking everyone today to please make a generous
donation to the Mental Health Council of Australia. Remember, only YOU can
prevent mental health facility closures and de-institutionalization.
I would donate, but there are way too many loons running loose here in
the US. Good luck, and let's hope Herc gets his meds with sharp needles.
BDK- Head FUD-Master Blaster. Friend to all kOOkbashers.